Gold - Gabriel Ríos


Gold以双版发行 个人更偏爱没有remix的版本 真假音变幻高手Gabriel Rlos 成名于比利时的流行唱作才子 曾被评为比利时最佳歌手

Gabriel稳稳地弹着吉他 稍带沙哑的嗓音以低音唱入第一部分 第二部分加入了大提琴的低音 以Gabriel的真假音混合让人真真假假分不清


I'll kiss your mouth
and swallow you whole
Been holding my claim
like an old 49er
Wayward and skinny
for dust in the wound
for that holy water coming down

Out of our way now
We're going for gold
Been holding our claim
just like old 49ers
Out of the city
and into this room
For that holy water coming down
on you and me
Water coming down

Lay me down
tell me I've been found
'cuz I've been drinking from the flood
Wayward and skinny
for dust in the wound
For that holy water coming down
holy water
holy water coming down

'Cuz I've been drinking from the flood
out where no one gets enough
I should have known right from the start
This is the aching we've been hearing of

And yes I'm gonna
lay you down
So tell me you've been found
You knew what I was coming for
Went out of the city
and into this room
For that holy water coming down
Holy water
sweet water
Holy water coming down
